

Welcome to the launch of The South Dakota Standard! Tom Lawrence and I will bring you thoughts and ideas concerning issues pertinent to the health and well-being of our political culture. Feel free to let us know what you are thinking.

Criminal investigations aren’t partisan attacks. They are legitimate cases against lawbreakers, Trump included

Criminal investigations aren’t partisan attacks. They are legitimate cases against lawbreakers, Trump included

Bulletin! To the folks complaining about how partisan investigations and prosecutions have become.

These days the people being investigated and charged with crimes surrounding the attempts to overturn the 2020 election are all political types. Some are elected officials, or were.

Yes, they are Republicans. Are they being prosecuted because they are Republicans?

No! They are being prosecuted because there is enough evidence to support the charges of criminal activity! 

Please note many people around Trump have been found guilty or pleaded guilty as charged. More cases are pending. 

These cases are NOT an attack on Republicans. These cases ARE an attack on alleged criminal activity. 

Those being charged happen to be Republicans. 

In the past there have been numerous Democrats charged with crimes. In fact, currently there is a U.S. senator, Robert Menendez of New Jersey, in court charged with felonies. 

It is obvious to me the leaders of the “law and order” party haven’t followed the law and were, and still are, promoting disorder. 

Our justice system (exemplified above by the public domain image of the scales of justice posted on wikimedia commons) is not perfect. But it is better than the chaos being promoted by those screaming and threatening. 

There are two things critical to the survival of our country, and us: Unrigged elections and a judicial system which functions free of intimidation and threats. Please don’t allow the screaming and threats to prevail.

Speak up — and VOTE!

Rick Knobe is a former mayor of Sioux Falls and a longtime radio talk show host who is now retired but remains active and involved in his community and state. His columns appear regularly on The South Dakota Standard.

Dakotans for Health applauds U.S. Supreme Court decision advancing women's rights, urges passage of Amendment G

Dakotans for Health applauds U.S. Supreme Court decision advancing women's rights, urges passage of Amendment G

The South Dakota Education Equity Coalition is outraged by recent U. S. Dept. of Education report

The South Dakota Education Equity Coalition is outraged by recent U. S. Dept. of Education report