

Welcome to the launch of The South Dakota Standard! Tom Lawrence and I will bring you thoughts and ideas concerning issues pertinent to the health and well-being of our political culture. Feel free to let us know what you are thinking.

President Biden has served nation long and well; Trump’s domination of Republican Party continues

President Biden has served nation long and well; Trump’s domination of Republican Party continues

Observations from the cheap seats:

No surprise the two major stories this week are the attempted assassination and the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

I predicted there would be plenty of conspiracy theory stories from the wrong wing. I was right.

The Secret Service is getting plenty of attention. That’s good. It’s too early to jump to conclusions. Although many are. I’ll wait for the final report if there is one. 

Interesting that the young man who apparently did the shooting was not a known wacko. Just a kid who allegedly was bullied in school. I’m sure there is a lesson there if we as a society pay attention. 

The Republican National Convention was created and put on Trump style: Loud speeches adoring him; anger, rather than substance, on immigration, foreign policy and other topics.

Basic message: “Trump wonderful. The other people horrible, borderline evil.”

His people are fired up. Probably close to frenzied. Not sure that level of frenzy can sustain itself.

Meanwhile, it appears many Democrats are leading Biden to the exit ramp. It must be very hard on him. Whether he is OK or not, is no longer the issue.

The PERCEPTION is, he isn’t. Even if respected medical people came forward saying he is OK, the perception will not change.  

I’ve never met Joe Biden (seen above in a public domain photo posted on wikimedia commons). Never been in a room with him. My sense is he is a decent man, loves his family, including the flawed member. He loves our country and the people in it. He has made his share of mistakes. Clarence Thomas for one.

On balance, his service had been honorable, compassionate and passionate. I think he has been a good leader in very difficult times.

If he does exit, I hope he receives a standing ovation from both sides of the divide.

Final observation: Our governor’s comments about the assassination attempt were typically low-brow. She no longer surprises. She continues to disappoint.

Rick Knobe is a former mayor of Sioux Falls and a longtime radio talk show host who is now retired but remains active and involved in his community and state. His columns appear regularly on The South Dakota Standard.

President Biden once again made the correct choice for America — now it’s time to rally to defeat Trump

President Biden once again made the correct choice for America — now it’s time to rally to defeat Trump

Trump and his veep nominee Vance try to circumvent abortion controversy by making it a states’ rights issue

Trump and his veep nominee Vance try to circumvent abortion controversy by making it a states’ rights issue