Sierra Club cheers victory over Carbon Solutions’ eminent domain claim in SD, urges Iowa to follow suit
Landowners across the Midwest are celebrating a hard -fought victory for property rights. On Thursday, Gov. Larry Rhoden signed HB1052 into law, which bans the use of eminent domain for carbon pipelines (which carry emissions from ethanol plants like the one pictured above in a public domain photo posted on wikimedia commons).
With Summit Carbon Solution’s project now in limbo, Iowa landowners call on the Iowa Senate to finally take on the issue and pass a bill to protect Iowa landowners’ rights as well. Similar bills to ban eminent domain on agricultural land have been introduced in the Iowa House, HSB287 and Senate, SF92. HSB287 passed out of the House Judiciary Committee Thursday morning, making it through Friday’s funnel deadline.
Landowners opposed to carbon pipelines and the Sierra Club Iowa Chapter are holding a Carbon Pipeline Opposition Rally at the Iowa Capitol in Des Moines at 11 a.m. Tuesday, March 18, to call on the Iowa Senate to pass SF92/HSB287.
We are proud of all the hard work that we’ve done over the last four years. It shows that when people unite around a common cause, we are unstoppable. Iowa’s HSB287/SF92, like South Dakota’s HB1052, are fair bills that protect property rights. Gov. Kim Reynolds and the Iowa Senate should take a lesson from South Dakota and listen to their constituents.
“This will effectively end Summit’s project. IUC must stop any further proceedings on Summit's Phase 2 proposals,” said Sierra Club’s Attorney Wally Taylor. “And, Summit’s phase 1 project is now a moot point.”
“Carbon pipelines are not a public use, public purpose or public necessity and should not have the right to use eminent domain in Iowa. It’s common sense and protects our rights. Iowa doesn’t need a threshold like what the Senate proposed, we need an outright ban on eminent domain for private-profit carbon pipelines.” said Kim Junker, who owns land in Butler and Grundy counties in Iowa.
“For almost four years the Iowa Senate has refused to protect Iowa landowners from the threat of eminent domain at the hands of Summit Carbon Solutions. South Dakota just protected their landowners, now Iowa needs to move along the bill that would do the same for Iowans,” said Sioux County, Iowa, landowner Meghan Sloma.
“South Dakota is protecting their landowners' freedoms and property rights,” Hardin County landowner Kathy Stockdale said. “Time for Iowa and Gov. Reynolds to do the same.”
Jess Mazour is the Iowa Chapter of the Sierra Club conservation coordinator.