South Dakota Legislature House Minority Leader Healy: Abuse of resolutions taking away will of the people
Editor’s note: The Standard is doing a double post today as both Democratic Party leaders in the state legislature have submitted lists of important legislation to be considered in the current session. The above photo is titled, with perhaps some metaphorical value, “Mt. Rushmore coming out of the fog.”
Critical discussions have emerged surrounding two pieces of legislation: HJR 5001 and HJR 5003. Both could drastically alter the way our state values and respects the will of the people. I believe these proposals will challenge the principles of democracy and the rights of YOU the voters.
HJR 5001 proposes giving the Legislature the power to eliminate voter-approved Medicaid expansion if federal assistance falls below 90%. This means the healthcare access South Dakotans fought for could be stripped away without voter input, even after the people overwhelmingly supported it at the ballot box.
HJR 5003 increases the threshold for passing constitutional amendments from a simple majority to a 60% supermajority. This means that even if 59% of voters approve an amendment, it would fail — effectively silencing the will of the majority and making it significantly harder to enact meaningful changes.
South Dakota has a proud history of direct democracy. For over a century, our citizens have used the ballot initiative process to make their voices heard, especially when we feel that the Legislature is not listening to what the people want. From expanding Medicaid to creating an ethics commission for the Legislature, these measures reflect the will of the people and hold elected officials accountable.
HJR 5003 makes it far more difficult for citizens to amend the state Constitution to address pressing issues. By raising the threshold to 60%, it tilts the playing field against grassroots efforts and gives special interests and well-funded groups a greater advantage. This change diminishes the power of ordinary South Dakotans.
Let’s be clear — these proposals aren’t about protecting voters; they’re about silencing them. Republicans in the Legislature continue to push these measures to concentrate power in their hands while taking it away from you.
But we won’t stand by and let that happen. We will keep speaking out against these proposals and fighting for the rights of every South Dakotan to have a voice in the decisions that matter most.
The Democratic Caucus works for the people of South Dakota, not for special interests or political games. We stand firmly against these efforts to take away the rights of South Dakotans to shape their government and their future.
So what can you do?
Now is the time to speak out. Contact your state senators and urge them to vote against HJR 5001 and 5003. Write letters or opinions and educate your neighbors about the consequences of these proposals.
If these resolutions pass, they will appear on the 2026 ballot. Together, we can ensure South Dakota remains a state where every voice counts and every vote matters. Let’s stand together to protect the power of voters and the future of our democracy.
District 10 Rep. Erin Healy of Sioux Falls is the South Dakota House of Representatives minority leader.
Photo: Mt. Rushmore, coming out of the fog, public domain, wikimedia commons