

Welcome to the launch of The South Dakota Standard! Tom Lawrence and I will bring you thoughts and ideas concerning issues pertinent to the health and well-being of our political culture. Feel free to let us know what you are thinking.

Those damn libtards! A satirical look at the woes and whines of conservatives who fear progressives

Those damn libtards! A satirical look at the woes and whines of conservatives who fear progressives

We must redefine the concept of patriotism. We can no longer tolerate others whose ideas are different from ours. We must hate evil, particularly evil in the form of our fellow citizens who claim to be Democrats. Vengeance should be a hallmark of patriotism. 

It’s been easy to become swept up in the grievance culture, where people blame everyone else for their own woes. But it’s true. I work hard, raised a family and yet there are still potholes, cancers, overpriced popsicles and warmongers and clever narcissists preying on the weak. Something’s off. We’re on the wrong track. My favorite and easiest target to ridicule is government, with its clumsy bureaucracy, woke radicals, and a mysterious, secretive deep state that oversees it all. Very worrisome. Our style of government may have created our great society, but it’s time to change. Isn’t it obvious that the Republicans (like the former guy above in a public domain image posted on wikimedia commons) and Project 2025 will lead us to the promised land? 

Understand, I am sick and tired of being pushed around. I am sick and tired of being manipulated by skillful propagandists. I am angry and I want to fight back. I find political allies who feel like me and we will continue to make it clear that we’re sick and tired of not getting our way.

There’s so much unfairness in the world. So much favoritism. Elite schools. A pampered few. An easy road to success. Those bastards. Those insensitive, self-centered  intellectuals, and the lamestream media, and Hollywood, Music, literature, all that crap blocking patriotism. We’ve got to win this war. These socialist-communist extremists want to rule us. They want to take away our freedoms. Freedom! 

Grey matter be damned. This really is war, and there’s no time for deliberation. Libtards intend to take over the world. I’m tired of hearing about progressive extremists leading the fight to free Blacks, give them a chance to vote, and give women the same right.

Conservatives may have lost some of those big fights, but we’re powering up for another shot at the ring. It’s our time. It’s necessary we win, or the world will crash and disintegrate. That’s the goal of libtards. That’s their doomsday wish. They must be stopped. 

Libtards pretend to root for the masses. But they are lulling the nation into a contented nap. We’re ripe for their disguised, subtle takeover. We must prevent their wicked ideas from advancing any further. We must squash their movement, and forever free our society from their influence. 

They advocate for the Green New Deal, a program that will demolish our way of life. Can’t libtards understand that the fumes from internal combustion rise high into the sky and disappear? Fossil fuels forever!

Libtards want gay rights and gay marriage. Most homosexuals are libtards. No surprise. Deep state degenerates represented the Democrat Party in the last two presidential elections. That’s how immoral the Democrats have become.

I can’t wait to find out about Kamala Harris’ immoralities. I trust that Republican leadership and FOX News will let us know ASAP.

I could hardly stand Joe Biden professing to be a Roman Catholic, telling us that he went to church on Sundays. What a ruse! For all these years he fooled us. And Kamala Harris? What about her religious roots? I’m betting we learn she is a witch doctor, or maybe even a tree hugger.   

I’m waiting for Joe Biden to pardon his law-breaking son before he stumbles out of office. It’s why he wanted to become president in the first place: To pardon his family and friends. It’s true. Biden is the czar of a crime family. 

Look how he used the office of president to make money? I suspect he diverted large sums of the money he has raised from political supporters to pay for his personal expenses. Who do you think was the source of the drugs used by his son? Yep, the Biden Crime Family. The evidence is on Hunter’s laptop

After we defeat Kamala Harris, I’m betting the Democrats will declare the election was rigged and they’ll protest the election results, just like Hillary Clinton wanted to do, but she was too busy running her ring of sexual deviants out of that pizza restaurant

I noticed that almost none of the top staffers and military brass serving Barack Obama or Joe Biden warned us about any malicious behaviors from the president they served. These people are lemmings, brainwashed into loyalty by diabolical mind-control weapons turned loose on our country by greedy, manipulative libtards. 

I agree with Republican leaders in the House and Senate: Joe Biden has been the biggest liar to ever occupy the sacred office of the president of our great republic. He lied when he said that loose gun laws lead to more gun violence. He lied when he said that immigrants are mostly hard-working people. He lied when he said he won the 2020 presidential election. Just ask Sydney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Tucker Carlson and the My Pillow guy about that election.  

Libtards want us to believe that our climate is changing. They tell us that crime and unemployment are low, and that the best days are ahead for our society. All lies. If we can’t rid ourselves of these socialists and communists and America haters, we will perish.

America is the most powerful, advanced country in the history of the world, and that has been achieved despite the best efforts by libtards and so-called progressives over two centuries to wreck our way of life.  

We need to unite America, but only after we destroy the vermin who are libtards and Democrats. 

Peter Carrels of Sioux Falls is a writer, registered Democrat and self-proclaimed libtard, and he resents Republicans labeling him and other Democrats as socialists or communists or America haters.

Q for J.D. Vance: Since when do biologically childless women have no stake in the future of this country?

Q for J.D. Vance: Since when do biologically childless women have no stake in the future of this country?

Leading the charge on many issues, Rick Weiland has devoted decades to advocating for progressive policies in South Dakota

Leading the charge on many issues, Rick Weiland has devoted decades to advocating for progressive policies in South Dakota