

Welcome to the launch of The South Dakota Standard! Tom Lawrence and I will bring you thoughts and ideas concerning issues pertinent to the health and well-being of our political culture. Feel free to let us know what you are thinking.

Former Sioux Falls mayor Knobe: If we want real change in this state and country, we must elect leaders who will create it

Former Sioux Falls mayor Knobe: If we want real change in this state and country, we must elect leaders who will create it

Confession time. I didn’t watch any of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee or any of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

Want to give both equal treatment. I’m like that. Haven’t watched any talking heads either. I’m tired of them. I’ve read plenty of stories from the Hill, Guardian, NY Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, Time and NPR.

Observations from my season-long cheap seats: The Republicans are caught up in anger and disdain. They continuously attack. Yes, they have some policy ideas, but they are articulated through their anger.

Democrats have a fragile alliance. Most are aligning with Harris (seen above in a public domain photo posted on wikimedia commons). However, the Israeli/Palestine war can fracture that alliance. A change in Democratic tactics has happened. In their speeches they are still talking policy, but they are now more aggressively taking on Trump’s insults and attacks. Some of it with humor. Some by using verbal machetes.

Trump has probably never had so many people treat him the way he treats others. Allegedly he is so furious, he can’t focus. In other words he’s worse than ever.

Early voting will be starting soon — Friday, Sept. 20, in South Dakota. A lot can and probably will happen. As individuals and as a country, we must keep focused on the issues, the proposals to solve them and who is best able to get that job done.

Labor Day is a few days away. Folks not caught up in daily politics are going to start paying attention.

Our four major political leaders have sold their souls to a man who has no soul. It’s disappointing and distressing.

One of them is on the ballot. He will not get my vote. Sheryl Johnson, his Democratic opponent, will. 

If we want to change politics in our country we need to remove those who are part of the problem. The incumbents’ loyalty to Donald Trump IS a problem. One we can fix. 

Closer to your home, legislative races are happening. In most districts Republicans hold both Senate and House seats. 

They are members of the party with blind loyalty to the soulless “weird’ candidate. I’ve looked for statements from any of them criticizing their “weird”man’s words or actions.

I found nothing. Crickets, as we say now.

Silence is acquiescence. Agreement with his words and actions. That is unacceptable to me. Maybe to you also. 

These folks are supposed to be leading us. Lifting us up. Not herding us over a cliff.  

There are several competitive races for South Dakota legislative seats this fall. Candidates from both parties are on the ballot. 

New leadership in Washington will help. New leadership in the Legislature will have a positive impact on us, too. 

These words are mine. They do not necessarily reflect the thinking of my family, friends, acquaintances or associates. They can speak for themselves, and I hope they will.

Rick Knobe is a former mayor of Sioux Falls and a longtime radio talk show host who is now retired but remains active and involved in his community and state. His columns appear regularly on The South Dakota Standard.

As presidential campaign reaches stretch run, former president Donald Trump’s criminal calendar is packed

As presidential campaign reaches stretch run, former president Donald Trump’s criminal calendar is packed

Democratic VP candidate Walz is right — we mind our own business, but we also care for and help each other

Democratic VP candidate Walz is right — we mind our own business, but we also care for and help each other