

Welcome to the launch of The South Dakota Standard! Tom Lawrence and I will bring you thoughts and ideas concerning issues pertinent to the health and well-being of our political culture. Feel free to let us know what you are thinking.

While Kamala Harris sails steadfastly forward, Donald Trump is floundering and taking on water as his chances sink

While Kamala Harris sails steadfastly forward, Donald Trump is floundering and taking on water as his chances sink

It’s obvious.

The political winds and seas have shifted. I’m going to use some nautical terms.

Vice President Kamala Harris is the new captain of the Democratic boat. It’s a different boat. Newer design. It has plenty of ballast to deal with rough seas, and a collection of sails which will allow Capt. Harris (seen above in a public domain photo posted on wikimedia commons) to adjust to changing conditions. 

Capt. Trump’s vessel, like him, is older. It’s not as sleek, apparently doesn’t have enough ballast or sails to deal with changing conditions. Capt. Trump appears locked in his ways, plotting the same courses even though they are not correct for the conditions. 

The crew on Capt. Kamala’s boat is optimistic and filled with positive energy. They are working in concert to win the race.

Capt. Trump’s crew does not appear organized. Many are “doing their own thing.” 

They have put up the wrong sails, and those sails are not trimmed properly. They are moving, but slowly. They appear to be dragging an old sea anchor, too.

Even from shore it is obvious the Trump vessel is struggling.

It is equally obvious the Kamala vessel is not.  

Capt. Kamala has trimmed her sails to take advantage of the political current of the water and the political winds in the air. 

What do you see? 

* * * 

At the Believers’ Summit gathering in West Palm Beach, Fla., on July 27, Trump said, in essence, “Vote for me in November and you won’t have to vote again.”

Some GOP pundits are downplaying those words.

“He’s joking,” they said.

“He means it’s his last term,” they explained.

Others are outraged. Scared. They think he means if he wins in November he will “fix” the system to be president for life. Which means not being president as we understand the word, but being a dictator, like Putin and others. 

I know Trump is all about him and him only. He has not displayed to me his cares and concerns about us. It’s all about him.

He does not come across as a jokester. I think his words were serious. He wants to be president for life.

Unacceptable to me and hopefully to you, too. 

He and his minions, including those in South Dakota, should not be in positions of authority.

Rick Knobe is a former mayor of Sioux Falls and a longtime radio talk show host who is now retired but remains active and involved in his community and state. His columns appear regularly on The South Dakota Standard.

Lawyers, calling South Dakota’s abortion ban a ‘miscarriage of justice,’ form Lawyers for Freedom Amendment G

Lawyers, calling South Dakota’s abortion ban a ‘miscarriage of justice,’ form Lawyers for Freedom Amendment G

Challenger Sheryl Johnson calls out incumbent Dusty’s defense of Roundup and Bayer/Monsanto

Challenger Sheryl Johnson calls out incumbent Dusty’s defense of Roundup and Bayer/Monsanto